Product Updates: August 1 - 7

Product Updates: August 1 - 7

By Hugh Cowling
Product Manager
Aug 7 2017 read

Another week of improvements for you! Our team of engineers have been super busy working on a new HubSpot integration that our marketing clients are going to love - so stay tuned for more updates on that! But for now, here are some new improvements we rolled-out this past week...

Scheduling Module (beta) upgrades: Within the new “Team” tab, users can now be found and added by Group and/or Skill as these options have been included in the search drop-down. This speeds up the process of finding the staff whose schedules you really care about.

sched skill

Editing Purchases: When editing a purchase, changing the purchase template would update a lot of basic details about the purchase which wasn’t ideal. Now, selecting a different template will only update the Shipping Details and PDF content/settings, leaving all the general purchase info like title, vendor, date, etc. as it was.

Mobile improvements: We’ve been hyper focused on our Mobile App this past week and should have some pretty impressive updates to share with you soon. This includes being able to Create and Edit an asset on iOS and Android.

Logging Time permission: Since the heart of Accelo is tracking billable time across client projects, tickets and retainers, we realized that having a permission on logging time was a bit unnecessary - particularly as the permission was actually linked to “Create Activity” permission. Now, every user (except for Collaborators) can use the simple Log Time feature without hassle.

Configuring Client Portal: Our team resolved another inconsistency with permissions this week, regarding the ability to configure the client portal settings. Previously only admin level users could access all the settings, whereas now there’s a specific staff permission in the Company & Contact module permissions to allow a user to see and edit all the portal settings.

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