The content in this guide is currently being revised to align with the new user interface. Some text and images may be outdated.

Client Specific Permissions

Choose what a specific client can see with unique permissions for using their Client Portal.

Using this guide, you can:

What are Client-specific Permissions?

Client-specific permissions allow you to define more customized permissions for each of your clients. These permissions will not override company group permissions, or object-specific permissions.


Configure Company-specific permissions

To review or set-up client-specific permissions:

  1. On any View Client/Company screen, click the Portal button and choose Company Specific Permissions.
     Company Specific Permissions 3

  2. The next screen should inform you that default permissions are in use, but you can override these defaults by clicking the button Override default permissions with set.

  3. The default permission set will then load in, but you can now override these specifically for this client.

  4. Changes are automatically saved, but if you wish to remove the overriding permission and go back to the default permissions, just click the button at the bottom Remove object specific permission.

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