The content in this guide is currently being revised to align with the new user interface. Some text and images may be outdated.


No one knows how your business runs better than you. You chose Accelo to ensure no client’s sale, project or problem falls through the cracks by streamlining and automating your work. Types are the backbone of your work in Accelo. Define how a sale progresses from a lead to being won or chart client work from planned to complete. Top it all off with powerful automation to ensure no details fall to the wayside, allowing you to focus on the work you love.

Types, Status & Progressions


A Type defines and automates key steps in a specific business process. Those processes are built into Accelo to include each phase (status), a defined path (progression) and actions that need to be taken when you progress from one phase to another.  Every Type in Accelo is built of Status & Progressions.


A Status is each phase or stage of your current process.


A progression is the transition between statuses where users can build in automation (actions) such as sending templated emails or creating pre-populated tasks.


Every module within Accelo uses Types but let’s look at an example of a simple sales type. The business XYZ Consulting begins each New Sale with a New Lead. Once a sale’s team member receives this new lead they begin a discovery process; possibly checking out their website and they reaching out to learn more. After they have connected with the new client and discussed the details of that clients need, they send a quote over to be reviewed. If all goes well, they will mark the sale as Won.  

Type New Sale 2

Here is a simple flow chart of the XYZ Consulting’s sale process. The Type “New Sale” has been broken out into each step of the process. A client would move from “New Lead” all the way to “Won." Each of these steps is a Status. The way you move from one Status to another is a Progression.

Now that we have a basic idea of why you need Types let’s look at how to build one.

How to Build a Type

In this tutorial we will build Sales Type like the example above. Keep in mind all types, no matter the module, work pretty much the same way.

  1. Select the Settings Menu from the side bar.

  2. After selecting your Module, choose Types, Progressions & Fields

    Sales Types progress 

  3. Click on + Add Sale Type


  4. Name your Type, then click Save.

    Example: New Sale

  5. Click New Status and add each status you need. For XYZ Consulting we will need to create the status: New Lead, Discovery, Quote Sent and Won.


New Status 3For each new Status, give it a title, choose the appropriate standing, and assign a color. Standings are fairly straight forward but please refer to this guide for more detailed information relating to Status and Standings.

Once you have added all your statues you can begin building your progressions.

Build a Progression

  1. Click New Progression and give it a title. In our example, a sale moves from New Lead to Discovery. That is the progression. Drag your starting status (New Lead) in the first box and your next status (Discovery) into the last box and hit save.

    1. Above “From Status” box you will find three options:

      1. Specified: Defines a direct path from one status to another. EX: Discovery always comes before Quote Sent.

      2. On Create: Defines a starting point. EX:  New Lead is always the first status.

      3. Any: This is used when a status can be reached at any point in the process. EX: at any point a sale could be won, even if the client hasn’t received a quote.

  2. Continue to build progressions for each path your sale can take.
    When you are done your the flow chart and the type you just built will match.

    Side by Side.002

  3. Once the progressions have been built, click on the +  to add an action. Actions are built in automation that you can add to a progression. Would you like for a task to be created when you move to the discovery phase? Or a field to be automatically updated when you win a sale? Explore the Progressions & Actions Guide for more detailed information on how to use Actions.

    Add Action 8


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