The content in this guide is currently being revised to align with the new user interface. Some text and images may be outdated.


Develop and improve your sales forecasting, sales planning, and improve your sales performance by customizing your sales probability fields

Using this guide, you can:

Customizing your Probabilities

Probabilities are a great way to identify how likely you are to win each sale. Pre-program your probabilities to auto-populate when you change from one status to another, saving your Sales team unnecessary administrative time. 

To customize your Probabilities:

  1. Click on the Module Button, and choose Configuration. 

  2. Choose Sales, and open the Probability page.

  3. To remove unused probability options - Use the delete button, found next to each unused option.  Note - if you do not see the recycling bin icon, this means its in use. You cannot delete a probability option once it has been used..

    Sale Probabilities

  4. Edit existing probability options - Existing probabilities can be renamed by clicking the probability’s title.

  5. Add new probability options - Additional probability options can be added via the Add Probability button.

  6. The Value is used as a the percent likelihood that you will win your sale.  i.e. a Definite sale is 100% likely to be won.

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