Product Updates: May 23 - 29

Hugh Cowling
Senior Product Manager
May 30, 2017
min read
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To our American clients, we hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend. If you didn't get a chance to join our new Purchases module sneak peek webinar, you can watch the recording here. Also, if you haven't checked out our priorities for Q2 (which we released last week), you can read them here. With that, here's a list of the key product update takeaways from last week!

Pushing Tasks to JIRA when no Accelo assignee: We are continuing to make improvements to our recently overhauled JIRA integration, and this change in particular means we can now push changes back to JIRA even if an Accelo task has no assignee. We're also working on additional logic to handle situations where the JIRA assignee/user isn't mapped in Accelo.

Track budget left on Retainer's Projects & Tickets:�This improvement to the View Retainer screen provides a new metric for following how much budget remains on all the projects and tickets linked to the retainer. This number can help you manage the need to create new retainer periods, manage usage, or to negotiate a bigger allowance with the client for future periods.

retainer workbudget

Invoiced Expenses in export: It was brought to our attention that invoiced expenses in the export were continuing to show their status as "approved" - rather than "invoiced". This misnomer has been corrected now.�

Making Signoff notifications more robust:�When your clients make comments on a Signoff via the Client Portal, Accelo sends an email notification with that comment's details to everyone involved. That email is delivered on behalf of the person who made the comment. This works well for Accelo staff, but for clients, this was causing problems when their email servers are set to require authentication before allowing us to send on their behalf. The result was often an Undeliverable error mail to the client, which wasn't ideal! In order to address this, we've adjusted how these comments are delivered and leveraged our email aliasing system by sending the notification in a from format like [email protected]

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Hugh Cowling
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