Product Updates: May 5 - Jun 1

Hugh Cowling
Senior Product Manager
June 3, 2020
min read
Table of Contents

Throughout the month of May our product teams continued to juggle minor fixes & improvements alongside progressing some major initiatives - notably our new Microsoft 365 integration that was released last week! If you missed it, we put together a blog post explaining it all - including what happened to Office 365. Read on below for other updates from last month.

Salesforce: Option to not import/sync tasks into Accelo

The way tasks are defined in Salesforce has a lot of variation, and syncing them into Accelo may create more hindrance or noise, than help. Salesforce can log many different activities as tasks, and depending on your configuration, the task type might not always match up with the activity (e.g. you log a phone call, but the task type may be registered as a "task" in salesforce, instead of a "call". For these reasons, we've implemented a simple toggle so you can block Salesforce tasks from coming into Accelo.

Previously, the task sync was automatic. Now you can disable it to reduce the clutter of Salesforce tasks that often aren't really tasks!

This doesn't block meetings, notes and other event activities, but it will block Tasks, Task Emails, Task Calls and any other task sub-types you may have defined in Salesforce.

Task Checklists now available in the Public API

This functionality has been added, though documentation is still in progress! If you are really keen to start creating and managing task checklists (and checklist items) via the API, please reach out to and we'll get you a preview of this.

Mobile App fixes:

  • Android: Global search crashes when contacts don't have email address
  • iOS: Up to 100 activity classes now selectable when logging time.
  • iOS: New Quick Actions for the Home screen

Prevent new Skills from auto adding to Task progression actions.

In the admin area of Accelo, you can quickly fill out a list of skills relevant to your teams' expertise. Doing this, however, was also linking those new skills to any "Create Task" actions, which meant those skills could be inadvertently added to the wrong tasks. This has been corrected.

Fix for entering time on meetings reports

When entering a meeting report on the Daily Timesheet, some users noted that the time input field was disabled - making it impossible to include time on their report from this screen. While the work-around was to log the report directly from the View Activity page, we tracked down a bad permission check (it required "Activity Edit" permission) and have fixed it.

Improve page performance for Retainers

Our team investigated a few reports of screens in the Retainers module taking an unacceptable time to load the data. We identified and implemented a couple of improvements, particularly to the way data is retrieved when there's a lot of tickets attached to the retainer. 

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Hugh Cowling
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