How to Manage Projects More Efficiently

January 31, 2018
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So, you’ve just won over a new contract and now you have to pick the right people for the project. But there’s one slight problem - you’re not sure who is available (right now or in the near future) to work on what or take on more work.

As a project manager, you need to have a clear view of your team schedules to ensure everyone is being utilized in the best and most efficient way. With that kind of visibility, you can assign tasks accordingly and not overwork someone who already has their plate full, and make sure your project stays within scope.

Here are 3 ways that smart automation technology can help you collaborate more efficiently with others, and give you the visibility you need to run a successful business:  

1. Synchronized Team Calendars

Get a complete log of your team’s appointments and commitments by synchronizing your Google or Exchange/Office 365 Calendars over to your smart automation platform. This will let you see everything your team has scheduled, enabling you to understand how busy they are right now compared to how busy they’re going to be.

Your Team Calendar will automatically adapt and update as workloads change -  so that you always know who is tasked out or available (in real-time) to work on a project.

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2. Team Scheduling Dashboard

Juggling several projects at once can be hard work, but not if you’re using a smart platform with a Team Scheduling Dashboard. This feature allows you to drag and drop tasks into a team member’s calendar, or reassign them work you no longer have time for, without having to send them numerous emails or calendar invites.

You can easily build and customize your Dashboard to ensure everyone is spending their time wisely - by adding tasks to a project and letting smart automation estimate the time it will take to complete each one. That way, your projects are more likely to stay on track and budget.

The best part? You can see how each team member is contributing to your overall profitability (or a lack thereof) in an instant, and compare different individuals or departments from one simple place.

3. Shared Team Inbox

You’re super busy - so the thought of locating client information hidden within lengthy email threads is as painful as it sounds. That's why you need a Team Inbox where all client-related communication is automatically stored for anyone to search or access at any time.

This means you won’t need to waste time digging through your inbox just to locate information relating to a client of a former employee or one that’s out of the office on vacation -  because it’ll all be right there at your fingertips. Just imagine how much happier that client will be when you don't need to call them up to rehash a conversation they’ve already had.

If this sounds like something you could benefit from, just click here to find a smart platform that's right for you. Or check this out to see how a company like yours boosted their utilization rate by 50% with smart automation technology.

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