Introducing the All-New Contracts & Retainers [Video]

March 24, 2013
min read
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Exciting news - the all new Contracts and Retainers is now live!

If you aren’t familiar with this part of Accelo, Contracts and Retainers are used for any products or services you provide to your clients on an ongoing or recurring basis. With the upgrade, you’re now able to manage the ongoing and recurring work you do for clients, including tasks and billing, in one easy-to-use place.

The features will allow you to: 

  • Easily configure what you charge for ongoing services by price, hour, excess rates and more.
  • Automatically renew services so your team can keep working for clients without waiting for admin effort.
  • Automatically invoice clients for recurring work and services, with full integration to your accounting system.
  • Set up automatically recurring tasks for work you do each week/month/quarter etc.
  • Bill for non-time services like licenses and on-costs making it easy to upsell & bundle of services
  • and much more!

Watch the video for a full description:

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