Never Do Admin Work Again

May 16, 2018
min read
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Do you have trouble getting your Inbox to zero or do you find yourself looking at the clock at 4 PM wondering 'where did my day go?'

While saving time and increasing revenue might be your main goal, it can become quite difficult to achieve. That's why many Service Professionals are looking for ways to be more efficient with the time they have. We’ve found that efficiency goes hand-in-hand with the ability to focus and to see work clearly on a broad spectrum.

Project managers, however, find themselves spread extremely thin and without sufficient transparency into their operations. Does this sound like you? If you manage a team of employees, I bet this hits home!

Without the right tools in place, it’s difficult to track multiple projects at once, and that's one thing we’d like to debunk: the idea that juggling projects and feeling swamped points to a deficiency in skillset. We believe it to be quite the contrary and simply the fault of not having modern systems in place.

Point blank, project tracking eats up a large portion of the day and is a never-ending process. At Accelo, we want to give you back some time and decrease the amount of ‘headaches’ that come up on a daily basis. That’s why we’ve built Activity Streams on our platform. Activity Streams are a bit like Facebook feeds and enable you to have a wide net to catch everything you’re looking for in one place, including:

  • Client Emails: Nothing gets lost. Automate the workflow and direct emails to the appropriate account manager immediately. All the work from start to finish gets logged so you can track your time and review communication easily.
  • Client Notes: Keep track of your client notes in one place. This will strengthen your client relationships by making it easier to remember those tiny details.
  • Meetings: Scheduling can be a bit like Jenga, so having a record of all meetings will save you time in sorting out when and where work is happening.
  • Calls: Chronicling all of your telephone calls gives you a chance to see where you’re spending the most time and how to delegate your employees’ time with specific clients and projects.
  • Time Tracked: Your time is scarce and billable hours don’t need to get lost. Up your efficiency with built-in, automatic time tracking.
  • Posted Mail: Utilize your resources effectively by tracking what you send and see how every bit of work is influencing your budget.

The activity stream is completely searchable, and it also captures, sorts, and indexes all the information for each user and client, which saves you and your team from unnecessary ‘busy’ work.

By having the ability to get a broad look at multiple projects and zero-in on details that matter, you are giving yourself precious time to do the work you love. Activity Streams will also help track general employee workflow, as well as specific tasks, all in one centralized location.

 Just think, when’s the last time you had company-wide transparency and real-time updates on where you and your team stand on client work? We want you to take the time you were spending on getting caught up and tracking progress to shift, so you can spend this time doing work that generates revenue. Ever heard the expression, yesterday’s history and tomorrow’s a mystery? Why waste your time on administrative work when you could be making money? Make your life easy and start your free Accelo trial.


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