Sendgrid Security Update

April 29, 2015
min read
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Sendgrid, a popular email service provider, is one of the platforms Accelo uses (along with Amazon Web Services, CloudFlare and others) to provide our service to our clients - in the case of Sendgrid, when you send an activity or an email campaign, we use it to perform the actual email delivery.

Yesterday afternoon we received a call from our Sendgrid account manager letting us know that they had been compromised by hackers and that we should reset all of our account passwords with them as a precaution.

While the Sendgrid team follow best practice and store all their user passwords in a "hashed" format (a mathematical approach that in effect makes the password stored in a database a "one way" encryption), we thought it was appropriate to reset all the system-created and system-stored passwords we use for client accounts associated with the Campaigns module direct email sending. Our engineers scrambled and had all passwords reset and applied to production within a couple of hours of us being notified.

Note that these passwords are completely unrelated to your Accelo account passwords, and are just set up and used internally (using very strong and long random strings) to connect Accelo servers to Sendgrid servers.

If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to email [email protected].

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