Accelo's Stream - the real-time list of notes, emails, meetings, calls and other activities related to clients, sales, projects, ticket, retainers and more - has always been a popular feature with our users. Freed of isolated inboxes, and organized chronologically against the relevant client or work for that client, the Stream makes it easy to quickly drop in and see what's been happening in an account you care about.
While the data in the stream has always been great, we've been wanting to make improvements to how we display it for some time. We wanted to make it easier to scan down the list and see what actions - like opening an email or clicking on a link - people, especially clients, might have done right from the Stream. We wanted to make it easier to show you what activities you were involved with were secret or confidential (so you didn't worry that what you could see in Accelo could be seen by your colleagues). We also wanted to make it easier to do the things we do all the time, like reply, relocate and convert activities into other work (such as a new sales opportunity).
The great news is, with this upgrade, we're now making all of these things possible. See below for all the details!
Probably the most visual change. We've now made it possible in Accelo to see whether the recipient of an activity (whether an email to a client or note sent to a colleague as an email notification) has been received, opened or clicked on, all without leaving the stream!
The different colors around the name of a recipient mean different things:
When you're looking at a stream of activities, it is common that you'll want to jump in and comment - whether to help, clarify or simply follow up. This has always been possible with the Accelo Stream, but it wasn't as easy to do as it should have been - you'd have to fully expand the activity inside the Stream to access the reply buttons, which made for an extra step that was often unnecessary (since you could see the first line of content without expanding).
With this upgrade, you can now always have the Reply and Reply-All buttons at your fingertips. You've also got the "three dot" menu always available, making more advanced actions easy to access as well.
While liberating email from inboxes is powerful, the fact that most of us are used to our inbox being a 100% private space means you need to have control and confidence over who can see the emails that Accelo automatically indexes.
As a result, Accelo has always had the ability to set the visibility of activities (including not just emails, but also meetings, notes, etc), using two settings:
Given the importance of having this confidence, we wanted to make it a lot easier to show you as you look in the stream if an Activity you're looking at is Confidential or Secret. The Confidential activities will have a Purple "Confidential" description in them, and the Secret activities will have a Red "Secret" in them.
There are a few ways to set the visibility by default; for more information, see the following help guides:
When Accelo automatically captures an email sent to or received from a client, we often have to guess what the email is about. While we recommend that our users use Accelo to send (at least) the first email of a thread from Accelo (so that it, and its replies, are located against the sale, project, ticket, retainer or other work that the conversation is about), we know that this isn't always possible - and in the case of clients sending you an email, is never possible!
Since we don't know what work the email (or meeting) is about, we store the activity in the only place we are sure it is about - against that client's record.
To make it easier for you and your colleagues to make sure conversations are against the right sale, project, ticket, retainer or other work, we've always enabled you to relocate a thread - however, the process was more arduous than it needed to be.
With this upgrade, you can now easily access the Relocate option - either under the three-dot menu on the Stream, or with a dedicated button on the Activity View screen - and perform the relocation without leaving the stream. We hope you find this much faster and easier!
Finally, we know that the activities Accelo captures are often the beginning of a new work journey: an email from a prospect you just met could turn into a sale opportunity, or an email from an existing client could turn into a new ticket, for example.
To make it easier for you to use the Stream and these emails to initiate new work, we've made it easy for you to convert the emails you see in the stream into this work.