Your Step-By-Step Guide to Building a Resource Management Plan

Megan Mathewson
Content Marketing Manager
September 30, 2024
min read
Table of Contents

Let’s say you’re leading an important project, but you don’t have a plan to manage your resources. Between juggling team members, finances, equipment, and other resources, you’re beginning to worry about meeting your deadline.

So, what can you do to get the project back on track?

The answer is to set up a resource management plan. But what is a resource management plan, and how do you create one that will get you the best results?

Don’t worry: it’s simpler than you think. That’s why we’ve written the ultimate step-by-step guide to preparing an effective resource management plan. Keep reading to learn how to create a plan that will help you complete your projects on time, within your budget, and with little to no waste. 

What is a Resource Management Plan?

A resource management plan is a detailed outline of how a business should identify, allocate, manage, and monitor its resources throughout the lifecycle of a project. 

Resources include employees, budgetary allocations, office space, software, and equipment.

As a leader, you need a comprehensive resource management plan that can help you guide your team’s decisions and direct them where they need to go  – similar to a roadmap. These plans are vital for helping decision-makers accurately predict needs, avoid shortages or surpluses, and keep the project on schedule.

Every great resource management plan should include these features:

  • Resource Requirements: Defines what resources are needed to complete the project, such as budgetary limits, employees, supplies, and software.
  • Resource Availability: Assesses if and when the resources will be available during the project management timeline. For example, are any of the project team members you need already committed to other projects during that time? 
  • Budgeting: Allocates how much of the total project budget will be used for each resource category.
  • Resource Management and Monitoring: Designates who will manage, track, and monitor resources. Here, the goal is to track resource usage, ensuring your team can complete the project on time and within the given budget.

At the end of the day, a truly well-crafted plan keeps your project on track for success. It prevents delays and ensures that resources will be available (and used effectively) when needed.

Why a Resource Management Plan is Essential for Business Success

Think of resource management like putting together a complex machine. In order for the machine to work, each and every part must be in harmony with the others. 

It’s tempting to believe that projects will naturally fall into place, but experienced project managers know that poor resource management can disrupt even the most well-considered plans. 

A strong resource management strategy aligns the team, boosts efficiency, and reduces waste. Here’s are the benefits you can expect once you have a resource management plan in place:

1. Accurate Scheduling and Forecasting

When you know what resources you’ll need at each stage of the project, you can enjoy precise scheduling, enhanced productivity, and fewer bottlenecks.

2. Efficient Resource Utilization

The more confident your management, the more effective your resource usage. Prevent certain resources from being overused or underused, improving the overall efficiency of the project. 

3. Disciplined Budget Allocation

Properly distributing your financial resources helps you maintain better control over your budget, avoiding excess or unnecessary spending.

4. Enhanced Communication

Setting clear expectations enhances communication. It ensures that everyone involved understands their roles and responsibilities, as well as the project timeline. It’s also the best way to keep your organization on track for success while improving client satisfaction. 

5. Better Decision-Making

Detailed resource availability and usage data helps decision-makers reallocate resources when needed. When it comes to running a successful business, being able to use the data at your fingertips to adjust the utilization of resources is your superpower. 

Check out some success stories to see how businesses have benefited from enhanced, high-level resource management.

professionals discussing the company's resource management plan

How to Build a Successful Resource Management Plan: Six Key Steps

Even though creating a plan for project resource management can seem daunting at first, it’s simpler than you think. 

Follow these six straightforward steps to develop your very own effective resource management plan.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Budget

Imagine setting sail on a journey without knowing how much fuel you have in the tank. Just as a ship needs energy before it can set sail, your new project needs a budget to get things rolling.

First, consider the project scope to determine how much of the budget can be allocated to different resources. Here’s what you should evaluate when reviewing your budget:

  • Resource Cost Estimation: Calculate the cost of personnel and physical resources like materials and equipment.
  • Budget Allocation: Assign portions of the budget to each resource category.
  • Emergency Reserves: Include contingency funding for unexpected costs.

Starting your project with a detailed budget not only sets realistic expectations, it also helps you avoid surprises.

Step 2: Identify Resources (and How Much You Need)

Now that your budget is in place, it’s time to identify the specific resources you need – also known as resource scheduling. Be sure to confirm that the right resources will be available when you need them.

Also, don’t forget to define your resource capacity, or how much of each resource you’ll need to complete the project. Here’s what you should consider when identifying resources:

  • Personnel Needs: Assess current team skills and, if necessary, plan for additional hires.
  • Physical and Digital Resources: Take inventory of all necessary equipment and software.
  • Time Resources: Estimate the duration of every specific task and dependency. Does the time investment align with resource availability?

The earlier you identify the amount and availability of each resource, the less likely you’ll be to encounter shortages, delays, overallocation, and other issues that negatively affect project progress.

Step 3: Secure Resources

Next, determine how long it will take to acquire each resource. If one or more resources is not available, search for ways to obtain similar (or better) resources. 

Use the following to guide the resource-gathering stage of the planning process:

  • Hiring Staff or Contractors: Start recruitment early to allow time for onboarding.
  • Purchasing or Leasing: Secure contracts for equipment and software in advance.
  • Allocating Resources: Distribute resources across project stages, avoiding overload.

Securing resources early avoids last-minute issues and ensures a smoother and more successful project. Who doesn’t want that? 

Step 4: Assign Roles and Responsibilities

Once you’ve secured your resources, it’s important to clearly define the roles within a project to make sure everyone knows what they’re responsible for at each stage of the project schedule.

Think of it like staging a play. Every actor and stagehand, as well as the director, must know their roles for the show to succeed. Clear and established roles ensure that all stakeholders will be in the right places at the right times. 

Assess each person’s skill sets, strengths, and weaknesses so that you can put the best team members in the right roles. Determine the reporting structure and workflow, then assign deliverables with due dates. 

Notify each team member who they report to, or who to inform when they complete a task or reach a milestone. It’s also important to determine who will release resources when necessary. 

Clear roles and responsibilities help prevent confusion and delays while guaranteeing project success. 

Step 5: Track Resource Utilization and Adjust Accordingly

Track resource usage to make real-time adjustments as needed. Sometimes the success of your project lies in the ability to see an opportunity or barrier in the reports and adjust accordingly.

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Use tools to track resource allocation and performance.
  • Adjust as Needed: Reassign resources based on real-time data.
  • Weekly Reviews: Conduct regular check-ins to assess performance and make improvements.

Effective tracking keeps the project on course and within resource limits. Accelo’s real-time resource management tools provide visibility into resource utilization and support informed decision-making.

Step 6: Review and Reflect

After project completion, evaluate the effectiveness of your resource management process. Compare budget vs. actual spending

Did you stay on budget? If not, analyze why and how to improve in future projects. 

Learn from the project what worked well and what could be improved upon the next time you allocate resources.

  • Assess Resource Utilization: Review how efficiently resources were used.
  • Budget Review: Compare the budget to what’s actually being spent.
  • Team Feedback: Gather input from team members on resource allocation and potential improvements. Think about ways that you can reward your project team for a job completed under or on budget, on time or earlier, and so forth. 

Reflecting on each project helps refine your resource management strategy for future projects. 

professionals reviewing key features of the company's resource management plan

Key Features to Look for in Resource Management Software

Managing resources manually can be challenging, especially for complex projects. But it doesn’t have to be. 

Resource management software like Accelo can streamline many processes, saving time and reducing errors.

When selecting resource management software, consider features like:

  • Templatized Project Workflows: Use predetermined templates specific to your processes that make it easier to allocate resources on each project. 
  • Time Tracking: Automatic time tracking that connects time logs to employees, individual tasks, and entire projects. Guarantee accurate tracking of time and billing on each project.
  • Project Insights: Analyzation tools to help you better forecast resource allocation and budgeting for future projects
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Monitor resource utilization in real time and view organizational charts that help you better manage a project. 
  • Project Visibility: Workflow management tools to prevent bottlenecks in the project pipeline that can cause delays 
  • Reporting Tools: Reports that allow you to review past resource plan data to do better resource forecasting for future projects. Plus, generate performance reports for continuous improvement.

Features like this are only some of the notable functions Accelo’s resource management software delivers to Professional Service Teams worldwide. 

Solutions focused on helping businesses maximize efficiency and stay on track are a cornerstone to the growth and success of any business. That’s why investing in resource management software with these key features can greatly enhance your processes and improve project outcomes.

Final Thoughts

As you set out to tackle your next project, think of your resource management plan as your guiding star – the compass that keeps your team on track so you can navigate even the most complicated tasks with confidence. 

With thoughtful planning, strategic allocation, and the right tools, you can ensure efficient resource use, meet deadlines, and stay within budget. Using our step-by-step guide above can help establish the best resource management strategy possible, whether you’re managing a small project or a complex portfolio. 

Tools like Accelo can provide guidance and support as you manage your project resources. Use it to enhance your business operations, gain better visibility, forecast needs, improve efficiency, and avoid burnout. 

Keep a close watch on resources, manage them effectively, and continue to refine your approach. In turn, you'll set up your business for smoother and more profitable projects in the future.

Ready to optimize your resources and deliver more profitable projects? Get started with Accelo today and unlock your business's ultimate success.
Author Bio
Megan Mathewson
Megan Mathewson is the Content Marketing Manager at Accelo, where she shares invaluable insights with service professionals and tells impactful stories via blogs, emails, social media, industry reports, and more. With over a decade of experience in storytelling and multimedia content production across diverse industries, Megan's strategic approach drives compelling narratives that elevate brand presence and fuel business growth in both B2B and B2C markets.
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