Certified Partner Program

May 20, 2013
min read
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Do you have a passion for business, technology and helping clients embrace the cloud? Become a Certified Partner to earn ongoing revenue & provide high value services to your clients.

If you’re looking for something to offer your clients and want to spread the word about Accelo, you might be interested in our Certified Partner Program. It’s meant to offer businesses all of the tools necessary to configure, implement and offer training for Accelo. Best of all, Certified Partners are compensated with commissions between 15% and 30% on an ongoing basis.

Who the Certified Partner Program is designed for

The Accelo Certified Partner Program is for businesses that want to include Accelo as a key part of their service offering for clients - providing sales, configuration, implementation, training and support to their clients on an ongoing basis. Examples of the kinds of businesses well suited to the partner program include:

How to become a Certified Partner

Becoming a partner is a five step process: 

  1. Register your interest using the form below. Our team will get in touch to learn a bit more about your business and answer any other questions you have about the partner program.
  2. Pay a one-time fee of US $1995. This cost covers the 6-part training program that is essential (and required) to become a Certified Partner.
  3. Undertake the 6-part online training course and pass the online exam to learn and prove your ability to sell, implement & support Accelo.
  4. Undertake 2 client implementations of Accelo. Don’t worry, our expert team will be standing behind you as you “go solo” for the first time.
  5. Sign the Certified Partner Agreement. Once you're officially a partner, we'll list you on Accelo as a Certified Partner and you'll benefit from regular commissions of between 15% and 30% on an ongoing basis! 

What you’ll get as a Certified Partner

Training & Certification

We’ll provide you with training through 6 online training sessions for you and your team. You’ll also need to pass an online certification exam - this is all part of making sure that only the best, most capable businesses are able to call themselves Certified Partners.

Priority support

When you’re out there selling to, training and supporting your clients, you never need to feel alone. Accelo Certified Partners get their own priority support email address and escalation phone number - so you’re never left out on your own.

Ongoing Margin of between 15% and 30% for your clients

As an ongoing partner and service provider of Accelo to your clients, you also get the benefit a cut of ongoing subscription revenue for all subscriptions you sell and support. The percentage increases as you have more active Accelo clients under your account; 15% for the first $2000 a month, 20% for the next $8,000 a month, 25% for the next $15,000 a month and 30% for any revenue beyond $25,000 per month.

Sales materials

We’ll provide you with sales materials, teach you our sales process and give you access to our demo sites to help you show prospective clients the features and benefits of Accelo.

Support materials

We’ll provide you with training and support materials so that you can quickly and easily start offering paid training, implementation and support services for your clients.
$500 for every new Certified Partner you introduce. If you know other businesses that would be great Accelo Certified Partners, introduce them to the program through the Registration Form below and if they become Certified Partners we’ll also give you $500 to say thanks!

A Listing on Accelo.com

Once you become a Certified Partner, your business will be listed on the Accelo.com website. Trial users of Accelo will be encouraged to check out the partner directory - sending your business leads that you can still earn margin from if you close & support them.

Early access to new features

There’s always new and exciting features coming out of the Accelo labs. Get an inside run with special access to development platforms and heads up on new features so you’re never caught on the back foot.

Your own development & test Accelo instance

Certified partners will also get their own test and demo platform for Accelo free of charge. Great for demos and experimenting without affecting your sensitive business data, this environment is free for you to setup and configure as you wish.

Certified Partner Dashboard (coming soon)

We’ll be introducing a new partner dashboard soon which will allow you see the deployments that are under your Certified Partner accounts, including active user counts, margin share and usage.

If you’d rather just recommend and refer Accelo to your clients, associates or other people you influence, check out our Referral Partner Program - it is quick, easy, free to join and you can earn up to $100 for every new account you refer that signs up to a paid account.

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