Close Faster with Quoting Software

You can be one click away from converting your quote to a project.

By setting milestones, budgets, durations and dependencies, and then waiting for approval. It’s really that simple.

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Platform » Quotes
Accelo's flexible quote creator for editing quote templates

Flexible Quote Creator

Create a quote the way you would plan your project using a Gantt-chart interface. Then connect your quote to the delivery cycle, ensuring you're positioned to deliver the proposed project on time and on budget.

Accelo's quoting online editor feature for editing quote content

Online Editor

Provide more detailed descriptions, add image content to your quotes, and eliminate the guesswork in project quoting and planning.

Accelo's quoting software for customizing quotes

Quote Customization

Easily roll up line items, hide certain details (like rates and hours), hide material details (like quantity and rates) and set your quote expiration date. Giving you complete flexibility to design the look of your quote.

Accelo's quoting software for sharing quotes in multiple formats

Multi-Format Quote Release

Publish your quote to the client portal, send it via email with a PDF attachment, or print it out and deliver it in person or via mail. Giving you the option to send your quote any way you prefer.

Accelo's quote feature for digital approval

Digital Approval

Immediately publish your quote to the client portal and get email notifications of every interaction your customer has with the quote, including comments, feedback and approvals. Streamline your quote-approval process and start collaborating with your clients.

Accelo's quoting software feature for smart tracking

Smart Quote Tracking

Track everything that happens to your quote, from edits to views, status changes and more. With Accelo, you’ll get the insight you want into your proposal process so you can intelligently follow up and increase your win rates.

Accelo's quoting software for converting quotes into active projects

One-Click Quote-To-Project Converter

By setting milestones, budgets, durations and dependencies, you’ll save hours of project planning by instantly converting your quote into a project with just one click.

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