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How to Get More Out of Your Quarterly Business Reviews

By Meaghan Moraes & Lily Teplow
Oct 23 2017 read

When you’re in the services business, clients are your number one priority. In fact, having quality check-ins with your clients is actually an investment in your business’ future. With improved client relationships comes financial growth, but ensuring these efforts are consistent and opportunities are fully realized can sometimes be an uphill battle.

So, how can you regularly optimize your working relationship with clients to fuel your IT services business? You can start by working to get more out of your quarterly business reviews (QBRs) in an effort to position yourself as an ongoing source of support and grow your revenue stream. As you look to close out the year and have a successful first quarter of 2018, use the following four tips to stay resourceful and forward thinking in your upcoming QBRs.

1. Establish Your Position as a Trusted Partner

As an IT service provider, you’re typically working behind the scenes for your clients. However, when you no longer need to visit a client on-site to fix things, then they don’t actually see the work you’re doing every day; and when that bill comes at the end of the month, some business owners may question whether they’re getting their money’s worth.

This is why face time is so important. Use your quarterly reviews to personally check in and also reinforce the value of your services. By doing so, you’ll also be able to better demonstrate your value as a trusted partner and advisor—not simply a vendor. That personal touch will exhibit transparency and help the client trust you as the partner they can rely on for high-quality service.

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2. Review and Improve

The first step in any successful quarterly review is the review itself. Take this time to look back on the previous quarter and identify any major successes and challenges your client has faced. How well did your IT solutions and services perform? Did you meet your Service Level Agreements (SLAs)?

The next step is to identify where you can improve. You can do this by discussing what your client’s goals and aspirations are for the future. Is your client looking to take their business to new heights? Are there any major upcoming IT initiatives or projects you should be aware of?

Each time you meet with clients, your business relationship should be progressing.

Establishing clear goals will help you effectively report on key activities and help the client forecast where they’re headed. Additionally, you could build out a roadmap to keep everyone on the same page and reinforce the idea that you’re not simply providing technology services—you’re there to help your clients grow their respective businesses. This strategy also presents a prime opportunity to cross-sell and upsell your clients! You can introduce new solutions or discuss upgrading to a higher level of support in an effort to provide more value and remain proactive.

3. Report More Efficiently

It's hard to argue with data, so presenting your findings from a network assessment or similar report could help you make a strong case for the value of your business. However, it’s important that you take a close look at the technology you’re using to gather reports and determine if your process could be simplified. Again, you can demonstrate your value by showing your clients that you’re committed to finding that optimal way you can both work together—and increasing productivity with the right tools is a perfect place to start.

4. Center Your Business on the Client

At the end of the day, your success depends on your client's success, so continually optimizing your relationships will increase both parties’ profitability and scalability. Remember that your clients are the backbone of your revenue stream, so make time to nurture your relationships and think outside the box so you’re constantly reminding clients why it’s beneficial to work with you for years to come.

While quarterly business reviews might seem like a formality, they can actually drive a wealth of value and promise for your IT services business, and the success of those clients who make it all possible.

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