Simplified Task Creation

Sleek New Task Creation

By Hugh Cowling
Product Manager
Oct 11 2018 read

Our product team have been striving to enhance the usability and simplicity of Accelo in our last few big updates, and our new Create Task screen is no exception. We've re-designed the modal (or pop-up) to provided a simpler 2 column approach, with the high level details and attachments on the left, leaving the finer details such as time estimate, dates, skills and assignee on the right.

new create full2

We've also added a sneaky short-cut key to open a blank Create Task form - just hit the character on your keyboard.

Better Search

When searching for work to put the task against (such as a project, or retainer) you will notice a secondary selection field if there are sub-objects (such as milestones or retainer periods) available. This makes it easier to find exactly the right spot for your new task to live.

task against

Attach Files Anytime

As you'd hope, this update isn't just a pretty face; we've opened up the ability to attach files at this initial create task step - previously files could only be uploaded once the task was saved. Now you can easily browse and attach files, or simply drag & drop them.

Keep tabs on Task Duration

Not to be confused with the estimate of hours/minutes to complete a task, the duration tracks the total working days which a task spans across based on the Start and Due/End dates. So as you modify these days, a little counter will inform you of the work days duration - which is helpful if you're building the task into a project where timelines need to be tightly managed. Note: Your admin user can customize the global Work Days settings.

task daysMinimization of Task Manager

The "Manager" field is no longer visible on create - instead we'll automatically set this to be you (the creator of the task) unless you're not allowed to manage tasks, in which case it will look up to the parent record - such as the milestone, ticket, retainer etc. - and use that record's manager. We're open to feedback on this of course - such as adding a configuration option to enable the field in the create flow.

What's Next for Tasks?

We'll continue rolling out the new task experience for tasks created as part of a status change as well as task templates. Some other goodies coming to the Tasks experience in the coming months also include:

  • Checklists within tasks
  • Multiple assignees for tasks
  • New view and edit task experience

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