The content in this guide is currently being revised to align with the new user interface. Some text and images may be outdated.

Retainer Permissions

Configure the default Portal permissions relevant to the Retainer module.

You can configure permissions for your Retainer Module under Configuration > Client Portal > Retainer permissions.


Configure Contact Permissions


  • Module Access - Allow clients to view their own retainers.
  • Activities  - This section allows you to select the level of visibility you want to provide for activities which are linked to a retainer in the portal. You're also able to designate whether clients are able to create their own Activities, such as emailing your team, through the portal.

  • Tasks - This section allows you to select the level of visibility you want to provide for tasks which are linked to a retainer in the portal. 

  • Attachments - This section allows you to select the level of visibility you want to provide for attachments which are linked to a retainer in the portal. This includes allowing them to upload their own attachments.
  • Financials - This section allows you to select the level of visibility you want to provide for financial information related to retainers in the portal.
  • Fields - This section allows you to select the retainer-related fields you want to share with users in the portal. It is important to note that disabling fields will hide them from both View screens and List screens in the Portal. You will find that disabling some fields, such as Status, will cause the entire column to be removed from the list screen, as well as any related filter options.

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